Hi, my name is Boštjan Kloboves and yes, you probably pronounced that wrong. Don't worry, it's not your fault that your language assigned the wrong sound to the letter "j". If it makes you feel any better, you're not the first to make this mistake and are most likely not the last to do so either.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, I'm a medical student and aspiring science fiction author from the small European country of Slovenia, which doesn't quite make me a 1 in a million case, but I'll settle for being a 1 in 2 million case (Get it, because that's my country's population). In any case, it's a pleasure to meet you. Normally, this is the point where I would shake your hand, but you know... this internet thing makes that kinda difficult. Plus after the whole Covid pandemic, I'm honestly kinda worried where you've had your grubby, little fingers. So, how about we settle on me not shaking your hand, we just pretend I did and you bask in my immense personal openness and hospitality.
Now that you've gotten acquainted with my sense of humour, there really isn't much more of me to meet. Apart from the reading and the writing, I also enjoy sports, video-games (especially simulators), movies (omg, have you seen the new Dune movie?), TV-shows (Stargate > Startrek or Starwars any day) and of course hanging out with my friends. Ok, why are you still reading this? This is literally the most boring page on the sight, excluding the Legal Disclaimers page. Go watch one of my reviews or something, and stop wasting your time. Better yet, go buy my novel if it's published already, I promise it's an awesome read. (God knows I probably won't update this About Me page even after the book's already finished. It's kinda sad when you think about it, that the text you're reading is years old and probably won't see any love for many moons to come). Now shoo!